Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

Wow, I had a extremely fun and inspirational weekend in Philly at the Women of Faith Conference. I have been lucky enough to attend three years in a row but, this year was very special because my daughter was able to accompany me. The weekend was full of laughter and happy tears. So much inspiration. I couldn't wait to get back to my easel on Monday morning.
People ask me all the time where I get the ideas to make each painting so different.  So I thought I would post some pictures that inspired me over the weekend passing through rural central PA. The rolling hill always create a happy feeling in me. Which is very evident in my work.

The clouds were just so round an fluffy and the sky so blue. I had to use this in a painting.

I also admired the subtle majesty of this church.

I love the different kinds of barns in PA. I saw some really beautiful ones! Here is one that I could get to my camera fast enough to capture. 

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